
This site was created primarily for the purpose of explaining the various secrets of Torah and their meanings.

There are 4 main interpretations to the Torah (and the entire bible) which are listed below. These 4 interpretations make up the Paradise Method of studying Torah. The first letter in each of these interpretations combine to spell, PRDS (פרדס), the Hebrew word for Paradise, (which is also the word Orchard) as in the Garden of Eden. In other words, these Jewish levels of interpretation, which is Jewish exegesis (commentaries on the Tanakh, or Old Testament) are designed to take the student back into the garden, past the flaming sword, to at last reach the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:2) again, which we left at the very beginning of the Torah (Genesis 2:9). Each commentary was meant to be mastered before moving on to the next, but in the Last Days the Sohd level will be made available to all.

  • פ - Peshat – the simple level (the literal word)
  • ר - Remez – the Hint Level – (the moral or extrapolated idea)
  • ד - Drosh – the Regal Level – (the metaphor)
  • ס - Sohd – the Secret Level – (the spirit)

I periodically post explanation videos to Odysee and YouTube for anyone interested, as well as my own commentary to passages on YouVersion if you would like to follow my content. You may ask any approate questions relating to my content either on the social media platform itself or the Contact section at the bottom of this page, but know that the answers to all of your lifes questions are already inside you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Some general questions asked about Secrets of Torah and the Kabbalah

Are secrets of Torah allowed to be revelated?

We are to keep the secrets of Torah, meaning not keep them to ourselves, but to keep them pure, which is to use the Sohd (secret/escoteric) interpretation of Torah and bible. The ban on studying Kabbalah was also lifted by the efforts of the sixteenth century Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai (1570-1643).

I've heard I will die young, go insain, or fall into apostasy if I study the secrets of Torah?

This is only an issue if you study the secrets from a physical understanding. Studying the secrets from a spiritual understanding will allow you to die to yourself (ego), or the world may view you as a madman, meaning you find joy in the stuggles of life, you seem happy when the rest of the world would be mad, or vis versa (Hosea 9:7), and this is because you live more in the spiritual world than you do in the phsyical world. To the religius community you may appear to have fallin into apostasy, as you exchanged it for spirituality. The things of this (physical) world are of an infinitesimal value, but the things of the spiritual world are of an infinite value, and so we mainly concern ourselves with spiritual matters.

Do you have to be a male of Jewish descent, over the age of 40, who is married to study the wisdom of Kabbalah?

No, anyone can study the wisdom of Kabbalah, these are just traditional rules that make it ideal to study the wisdom of Kabbalah based on the life experience they provide. But these rules are meant to be interpreted spiritual and not physically, meaning a man (of the spirit) is not necessarily a physical man having the gender of male, but a male is a giver whereas a female is a reciever. A person who is physical a female could very well be a spiritual male (a giver). Jews are those who wish to unit in unity, creating a spiritial connection to one another as the word Jew who are from the tribe of Judah/Yudah (Yehudi) and Unity (Yechudi) have an almost identical spelling. Being over 40 is anyone who has obtained the emotional, psychological, or mental maturity of a "40 year old". You may only be 12, yet you are an old-soul, or you may be 55 but still act like you're in highschool. Marriage is not corporeal love to another humanbeing, but being in an intimite, personal, relationship with the Creator. These are the people who should study the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Does studying the Kabbalah make me a different religion or go against my religion?

Kabbalah is the essence of the Judism and Christianity, and really all religions. You are just studying their source. You will find that as long as you interpret the Kabbalah spiritually and not physically, it doesn't go against any the major religions teach. Each religion has a rest of rules or doctrine it follows. The spiritual understanding of each of these laws are contained within the physical laws, they are the essence or spirit within them. By understanding and following the spiritual laws you will automatically be follow the physical laws. This is why Jesus simplified the 10 Commandments into simply loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself, (which can even be simplified further). By simply loving God and your fellow humanbeings you will be compelled not to break the physical understanding of these laws either.

How do I know that these secrets of Torah are correct or true?

There is only one way to know if the secrets of Torah are true, and that is to test them yourself. We do not believe what anyone tells us about spiriutality, but we strive to have a direct experience of it so that we can know if it is ture. Ultimately only you can know if something is true or not. We do not wish to be known as "believers" meaning a person who takes what they hears from someone they consider to be an authority or who they believe has their best interest at heart. That person could also be wrong and they are simply stating what they also believe is true without have a direct experience of it themselves to know for sure. Believers are those who blindly follow the religius leaders of this world, who likely also blindly followed their own leader before them.

Prior Projects

Some of the old tools I've made to help me understand other forms of spiritual communication.


A visual assist for meditation on the most common names of God.


Ask your question and then simulate randomly opening the Bible to a verse that will infer your answer.

Lots of Mary

A recreation of the early christian oracle book used to give guidance to the querent.

Sortes Astrampsychi

Another ancient oracle book, meaning Lots of the Soul's Stars.


A simulation of an ancient Greek form of casting Lots using the knuckle bones of sheep.


Lots using dice, as well as a simulation of the Urim and Thummim for answering questions.

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